art deco

[ɑ:t ˈdekəu]
  • 释义
  • 艺术装饰;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Mary attended high school in a building that was famous for art deco style of architecture.


  • 2、

    There is pizazz and energy in Art Deco, as well as glamour and luxury.

    装饰艺术里包含着活力和能量, 以及魅力和华贵.

  • 3、

    The building is a single mass with art deco style and modern touch.


  • 4、

    Art Deco designers embraced machinery and power.


  • 5、

    Swanky Art Deco desk fan can also be wall mounted to save space.


  • 6、

    Art deco in its many forms was largely perceived as thoroughly modern.


  • 7、

    Art Deco in Shanghai Report from Er Dongqing Art Studio ( part 1 )

    “装饰艺术”运动在上海——尔冬强艺术工作室报告 ( 一 )

  • 8、

    Jeff : I have some nice original art deco furniture in my living room.


  • 9、

    I guess that the art deco period had a big influence on its conception.


  • 10、

    Today, Jean Puiforcat's Art Deco period pieces are highly prized by collectors.

    今天, 让皮福尔卡的装饰艺术时期件珍贵的收藏.

  • 11、

    Much of the architecture seems to be a mix of colonial and art deco.

